Argument Ad Hominem


Argument ad hominem occurs when your opponent can’t win an argument with facts and reason. So, they resort to character assassination.

“Look, everyone knows blonds are dumb.”

If you’re blond (like me), what can you say? “I’m smarter than you!”

Argument ad hominem happens all the time, but no where is it as prevalent as when you are being tempted by your enemy, the devil. Do something wrong, you’re a sinner. Have doubts, you’re lost. Don’t perform perfectly, you’re condemned. Struggle with feelings of low self-esteem, you’re worthless.

In his scheme, your identity is determined by your behavior. It’s argument ad hominem.

Why does he use this tactic?

Because your actual identity is determined by divine declaration. Performance has nothing to do with who you truly are.

The devil can’t win. His only alternative is character assassination.

You do realize that your power is to disengage, don’t you? Arguing with him, or trying to be reasonable about argument ad hominem, is pointless.

Focus on what is true—the qualities God says are yours because you are His.

Need to know more? Listen to this.